Dec 22, 2008

My Dear Johnny

I am sorry this is late but I think I'm slightly in denial that you could possibly be five years old.

If I'm totally honest I have to admit that you were a HUGE surprise in our lives but I can't even imagine life without you now. Timmy was just 5 or so months old when we found out that he'd be a big brother at the ripe ole age of 1. I cried, a lot! And honestly they weren't happy tears. They were tears of worry and pure exhaustion as Timmy wasn't sleeping through the night yet and I could still very vividly recall how tired pregnancy made me. But I made it through it and having two little boys just 13 months apart was not only a TON easier than I thought it would be, it was a wonderful blessing. Though some days I want to send you both to the farthest corners of the world I can find because of your fighting, it is awesome to see how completely devoted you are to each other when it comes to anyone else. You are the most imaginative little man ever. You spent a couple years pretending to be someone or someTHING else. You always love to "play movies" acting out all your favorite movies. You were also my first child to have an imaginary friend. You are also so super cuddly. I love spending time with you cuddled up on the couch watching a movie. You give the best hugs and kisses and always have an "I love You" ready whenever someone could use one.
Some days it's frustrating that you still aren't making some of the sounds you need to for us to understand you the way we should be able to be but I know that one day I will greatly miss the innocence of this time. You have a little devilish side to you but for the most part you are a great little man. I love you Johnny! Happy 5th Birthday buddy!!!!!!!


  1. Sounds like he is a pretty special guy! My son is a little devilish at times too. Must be a boy thing:)

  2. aw this was a tear jerker for sure lol! i love & hate looking back on these years (like i do with my nieces) because its fun to remember all the fun times, but sad to let them go! make sure u print this out so you'll surely have it when he's older to look back on-i bet he'd greatly appreciate that :) love ya hun! xoxo Megan

  3. What a beautiful letter...
    The beginning sounds a lot like something I could have written as my two boys are 15 months apart to the day.
    A very touching post...


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