Nov 9, 2010

30 Days of Truth: Day 9

Day 9: Someone you didn’t want to let go, but just drifted. 
I have a handful of friends that I still stay in touch with but not as much as I'd like.  But there's one friend whom I've completely lost track of and I really wish I could find her.  She was my best friend from second grade to sixth grade.  I moved at the end of 5th grade and we continued to stay in touch regularly for the first year.  But as we both began junior high we took very different roads.  We lost touch completely before high school.

I really wish I could track her down but no matter how much I search online I have had no luck.

**In case you missed my post here, I am taking part in a challenge called 30 Days of Truth. Each day in November I will write about a given topic of truth as it relates to me.

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