Jan 29, 2011

Happy Birthday, Bryan!

This is the face of my THREE year old! I'm really not sure how he can possibly be three, even though he has been telling people he's 3 for so long AND is so big that some family member really couldn't believe he was ONLY turning three.
And I suppose I can understand that, it feels like he's been part of our family forever now.  The days of him being that little squishy chubby baby are a hazy memory.  Yet, I'm still a little sad that he is growing up so fast on me.
Not to take anything away from my other boys, but this little chubby face has been a huge part in getting me through the darkest days of the last couple years.  As I've written about in the past, I found out I was pregnant within weeks of finding out my mom's cancer had returned for a third time.  And despite the very little time they got to spend together, he is SOO much like her.  He is an extremely sweet and caring boy for his young age.  But mostly, he's just a character.  He makes me laugh ALL the time.

To my BIG boy, 
I hope you have a birthday just as amazing as you are!


  1. Wow, today is my son Parker's 3rd birthday too!! I can't believe 3 years has passed by so quickly either. Happy 3rd Birthday to your Bryan!


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