Jul 8, 2011

Five Question Friday, 7/8/11

Questions for Friday, July 8th:

1. Do you think cursive writing is overrated? (Schools in Indiana have now voted to take teaching cursive writing out of their curriculum.)
Yes! No one uses it except for their own signature!!  But my kids are still excited to learn it.  But because I NEVER use it, I can't even remember most of the upper case letters.

2. Do you still use a pocket calendar or notepad or do you keep your info on your smart phone?
I completely rely on my smart phone but I need a better battery because my life is in there but it currently has a 3 hour battery life! :(

3. What 3 things would you save if your house was burning down? (family & pets are already safe)
Assuming everyone is safe, next I would try to save my laptop and external hard drive.  A third choice would be another tech gadget probably but it's hard to pick one over the other so it'd be the closest one probably.  But the laptop and hard drive would be first because they contain photos which are irreplaceable. One of these days I will get on getting older photos scanned so they could be saved too.

4. Country Mouse or City Mouse, err Person?
Suburban mouse! I don't think I could handle country living because I'm so used to having everything two minutes from me but I also can't handle real city living either.  I have found a new love for downtown Chicago but only in visiting. I couldn't handle that pace day in and day out.

5. If you could pick ANY reality show to go on, which would you pick?
I don't think I could handle being on TV.  Maybe if I could magically posses some singing talent I would go on American Idol because I love that show. I am a totally reality show junkie but mostly because I love watching other people's drama, I don't think I'd do well with sharing my drama.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry I am a little late - life got in the way!!

    Hop'pin by from 'Stalk Hop Friday'. I'm following your blog now, wont you please come and follow me back?? ~KM

    Krafty Max Originals


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