Feb 16, 2012

Bleacher Moms Blog

I have started a new blog.  I hope to create a great place of r moms of young athletes to find information and community. It is brand new so there isn't a ton there yet  but it will be growing with post from not only myself but many other great moms (bloggers and nonbloggers).  If you have a child in sports, I hope you'll check it out.  And if you have something you'd like to share, I am welcoming posts!



  1. Hi!I have kids that are heavily involved in spots and I write about them on The SportyMummy Blog (http://sportymummy.blogspot.com). I am trying to start up a link-up on every Sunday if you are interested called 'youth sports weekends' I would love to share a post on your Bleacher Moms Blog!

  2. That's pretty cool, but how in the world do you have the time?!

  3. The new blogs looks great, Lisa!

  4. I'm so glad you were able to do this! I can't wait to watch it grow and flourish!


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