Apr 23, 2012

Motivation Monday #Mamavation

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Love this!  I honestly think my body is trying to help me figure this out as I am feeling worse and worse every time I try to cheat, like my stomach is starting a revolution against my poor eating choices.  And I honestly love the way I feel after a workout. Ok, sometimes it doesn't feel so hot during the workout but it feels so good when I stop! Just kidding! 


  1. That is so true, isn't it!!

  2. You have to keep a big picture mentality for sure!

    1. Absolutely. My bigger picture is really not about looking better, thought I DO enjoy that part, but about being healthy so I can keep up with my kids.

  3. My stomach also revolts again poor food choices! It's a rough reminder that I need to make better choices! Love the comic!

    1. I am sort of glad my stomach tries to help me. It has help curb my doughnut addiction. Just not worth it, even if I COULD find the points for one.

  4. Aaah yes. If I could just do a little more of what's on the right! Thanks for linking up with Flash Blog Friday :-)


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