Dec 6, 2011

A Pitch to Ben and Jerry @benandjerrys

Dear Ben and Jerry,

I am sure you guys are very busy so I won't waste to much of your time.  I hope you're off creating the next amazing flavor I will spend months searching for.  But I wanted to take a minute to suggest a fun event idea to you. You see myself and a few other great Chicago bloggers have been tweeting and facebooking about Schweddy Balls for the last couple months. In fact, we probably mentioned Schweddy Balls an inappropriate number of times really but it was all in an attempt to get our hands on some delicious Schweddy Balls.  It really is pretty impossible to resist Schweddy Balls.  I finally got Schweddy Balls today, despite the cold climate her in IL, and I have to say they melt in your mouth.  I'd really love to share Schweddy Balls with all my friends because no one should live with out trying these delicious balls.  So might I suggest you see if you could bring Alec Baldwin to Chicago and host a Baldwin, Blogger and Balls event.  My friends and I would have a blast sharing some Schweddy Balls with people.  So what do you think?  Feel free to email to get started planning this event!

Lisa Noel, Schweddy Ball lover


  1. You are officially off your rocker, but I love it! I would totally attend a Baldwin, Blogger and Balls event!

  2. Sounds like an event to attend!! Lol! Too bad I'm in NY!!

  3. yum. I want some Schweddy Balls!

  4. I might have to make a trip to Chicago just for this.

  5. OhEmGee Lisa I love it! If this event happens please send me an invite!

  6. Seriously what the hell is this flavor? What's in it?! I've never even seen it before and honestly this is the first time I am hearing about it.

  7. I would love to attend. I love Baldwin and I love Ben and Jerry. Please contact me as well. I'M IN!
    ps. I'm also in Illinois and would like attest to the fact that it is indeed cold here but not toooo cold for icecream!

  8. I'll be there with the talcum powder!!!

  9. Love it!!! Hope this works I would like to attend


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