May 23, 2013

May Is National Stroke Awareness Month

Did you know May was National Stroke Awareness Month?  I didn't until I had a reason to.  Recently some wonderful friends were in Florida with their family enjoying the 'happiest place on earth' when tragedy struck when father, husband, friend and half of the team behind A Savings Wow suffered a stroke at just 41 years old!  I don't know about you but this isn't something I have put much thought into needing to know the signs of when around someone that young!  

Today Jim and Maria celebrated their 15 year wedding anniversary in a hospital while Jim is doing an amazing job of fighting to get better!  He has made huge strides that I know they are attributing much to the many thoughts and prayers from so many friends and family who love them.  (Because if you know them, its EASY to love them.) And also in part to Jim's amazing attitude, strength and humor!  I'm sure it won't be long before Jim up and about with his beautiful wife and four adorable kids!

But I also know that Jim is a big sharer of knowledge.  He will be the first to go find the answer to a question that someone posts on Facebook if he doesn't' know it.  He is always willing to try and fix a problem for you if he can.  So today to honor Jim, and he and Maria's wedding anniversary.  Please take a minute to check out this information that could help you help a loved one in case of a stroke...CDC National Stroke Awareness Month.
Please do go read the entire article because Stroke is a leading cause of death in the United States but with awareness we can help stroke suffers to get help more quickly and be able to make a full recovery, just like I KNOW Jim be able to do!!!!


  1. I'd never given a lot of thought to strokes. Even after my own grandma had several ... that is until one killed my dad in March.

    1. (((Cat))) I really hadn't either. I really had no idea they are really so common, and could happen so young.

  2. Thanks for making me cry Lisa! Maria and Jim are very lucky to have friends like you :)

    1. Melanie, I only wish I could do more. Jim has always been so helpful even before I felt like I REALLY knew him. Then last summer I got to hang out with he and Maria away from the normal demands of events and just had such a great time with them. And of course Maria is always so much fun. My trips to BlogHer wouldn't have been the same without her!

  3. Yes, I second what Melanie said! We are so blessed to have you as a friend, Lisa, and we love this article that you wrote to educate people on strokes. It's ironic that Jim ended up having one during National Stroke Awareness month (which I didn't even realize was this month) but being the helpful person that he is, he will appreciate that you took the time to help others. We love you!

    1. He IS so helpful which is why we all only wish we could do more. But he's inspiring us all with the progress he's made all ready. And I know that he will keep fighting and soon HE will be able to spread the awareness too but for now, we're here to help in anyway we can!!!!!!!!!


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