Nov 15, 2008

Sings My Soul Saturday

so excited when I found this blog exercise. It should be no problem coming up with a 
song that peaks to me each week at all. But to start I picked on that is not a only a 
favorite of mine but also of my kids. It obviously speaks of my faith, in case you've 
had any doubt to this point, I AM a Christian. But I love this song in particular because
it is the all about wondering what they will be like when we finally are at home with 
our creator again. To me nothing better helps me refocus than to consider that day.  
Its fun and sweet and yet very humbling to think about. And as if it didn't speak to me
enough when Chris Tomlin sings it, my kids also love to listen to this song and when 
they sing it back to me...oh the joy that fills me heart. As much as I know I am NOT 
the perfect mom and I fail them many a days, I KNOW I am doing something right when
I see that my kids very obviously have a love of Jesus in their hearts!!!


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