Feb 2, 2009

My guest blogger

Look who wants to be a guest blogger on my blog...
Looks like he's got it down, don't you think?
He even reminded me to plug it in, so it'll be all charged up for his next post :)

But whatever you do, don't tell my husband about these photos.  I will have to deny their existence as I would NEVER let my 1 year old touch the laptop.



  1. so cute! I love his chubby little fingers. Reminds me of my little girl. Hers are the same and she LOVES mommie's laptop. haha

  2. Too cute! Why is it that little ones always want what they shouldn't have?

  3. Lisa he is just too cute! More pics of the little guy!!!!!

    Love and Prayers,


  4. with hands like those, he should be allowed to touch anything!

  5. I let Stunt Man type the word verification thingys for me when I am commenting. He loves it.

  6. its so funny how interested kids are in what mommy is doing :) he's so cute!!! *megan*

  7. So cute! and look at all that hair!!

  8. Crap..did my comment go through? LOL...these are too freakin' cute!

  9. LOL how cute! I no longer let Kohen near my laptop because he and AJ have each taken off a key.

  10. Adorable photos and your sons are just so cute!

    he's a cutie and will probably be a write too!

  11. Can you say PRECIOUS? I love the last one of his chubby little hand! How come chubby is so cute when they are little but frowned upon when they get our age :)

  12. LOL, that's just like my Nathan! He often inserts himself into things I'm typing and is constantly plugging and unplugging my laptop.

    Your son is so incredibly cute.

  13. Oh yeah... don't tell Mr. Daddy that our kiddo has broken his THIRD dvd rom :( OOPS!


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