Mar 14, 2009

Total Cuteness

Seriously, who could resist this little bundle of cuteness...?
I took these yesterday of my friend's 3 week old daughter.  She seems soo tiny to me as she's probably around 6 pounds (3 pounds less than my kid at birth).   Oh, how I love the newborn stage.  If Bryan weren't back to waking up 3 times a night (or more) reminding how true sleep deprivation feels, I might get some baby fever.  But I think I really long for a good night sleep more than I long for a girl at this point. 



  1. You do forget how little they once were don't you?

  2. I can so relate...right now I'm longing for sleep...the baby girl is going to have to wait!

    Great pics! I love the collage!

  3. Oh she is SO adorable! Great shots!

    Just realized that her onesie says "Adorable" too... that must be a Truth in Advertising thing, right? :)

    I don't know... I'm totally willing to do the sleep deprivation thing again. Anyone want to help me talk Mr. Daddy into sleep deprivation?

    Our kiddo was 5 pounds exactly when we brought him home. I sure miss those tiny days!

  4. You just totally melted my heart! Stirring up baby dust....oh, no! I must run away!

    ....we just got out of bottles and diapers. I am not ready for another one just yet....

  5. She is a doll baby. Love the pictures. The one with the mommies hand to is so sweet.

  6. We don't have any girls in our family yet. But I'm sure if my brother or sister in law had one, I would get the baby fever. But I think I would rather babysit than have one of my own. In the end whether it is a boy or girl, it is still a baby! heehee.

  7. Great pictures! I love the thought of adding another child but the reality scares me!

  8. We definitely hope to add a boy at some point, but there are never any guarantees!

    It must be much easier to photograph a tiny one compared to your big boys who are probably as wiggly as my girls.

  9. you did good work with these fotos! So adorable!!!


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