Apr 26, 2009

Beautiful Babies

This past Thursday I was honored to finally find a way to serve an amazing organization that helps young women who find themselves with an unplanned pregnancy and chose to raise their children.
This is a group that holds a very special place in my heart but because of my own children I have simply not been able to find a way to serve them despite my desire to for several years, until earlier this year when I emailed them offering my photography services. So this week I went to the church where they meet weekly and photographed their beautiful children. They will be given a disc of the images as well as a framed print. (Luckily I am not the one who has to chose the one photo to print for each mom!)

I praise God that each of these gorgeous little ones was given a chance!  I pray we will see a day when all of God's children are given the same chance!

These are just a few of my favorites. 



  1. WOW... what a great way for God to use your talent!

    We have a Carenet Crisis Pregnancy Center locally - and it is near and dear to my heart...

    All I could think of when I saw those beautiful smiles, was "they are precious in His sight" :)

  2. Great job, L! What a bunch of cuties. I need a little white chair like that. What an awesome thing for you to do.

  3. What an awesome thing for you to do, and what cute little subjects you had!!

  4. Wow, what a wonderful thing for you to do! They are cuties :)


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