Sep 21, 2009


“Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.”. ( James 1:12 NIV)

Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been up to my normal writing lately. Yeah I've been busy, but I think there's way more to it. I've just been finding it hard to do much writing without sounding like a broken record of gloom and doom.

I don't think that I'm living my day to day life that way. But when I write its usually the real, raw stuff inside and sometimes I am champian bottler. I can stuff a whole lot down inside and keep a pretty tight cork on it. But for some reason, when the fingers start a typin...its hard to stop the flow. I find myself crying more as I sit and type then any other situation.

The other reason is that I've been working here and there on some pieces that are being featured else where. A few things wil be included in the Blogging for Boobs whihc will be a month long blog event for Breast Cancer Month in October. But just yesterday a piece I wrote was published on Mamapedia Voices. You can check out my post here (and a little comment love over there wouldn't go unappreciated either) but I'd also encourage you to check out the rest of the site as well as they feature some great writing from moms from all over the blogsphere!

As far as how everyone's really doing...we're holding it together. Taking it a day at a time. I get over to see my mom most every weekday. And the verse about sums it up for my mom. She continues to be strong in spirit even though her body is not. She continues to amaze me with her courage, she is clearly growing weary of the daily struggles. She knows where this journey ends but is understandably apprehensive about what turns the road may take before she gets there. She is an amazing woman who more than stood the test and for that she will surely recieve all that God promises!!!


1 comment:

  1. My heart goes out to you and your family. My mom has had cancer three times as well, and we recently just lost a good family friend to cancer. It was a hard loss for me, but even harder to see my kids mourn. And yet, like you said, I'm incredibly blessed. Because as much as it hurts to mourn and to lose someone you love, sharing and learning and growing with your children is an amazing experience.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.



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