Feb 20, 2010

Math Night

This week we went to the boys school for a teacher designed event, Math Night. I was there to help as a PTO member with providing snacks and also to take photos. The rest of the family was there to participate in Math Night.

To be honest, I wasn't sure how into they'd really be. Timmy was so psyched about it though I figured we'd all check it out.

It ended up being a lot of fun. It was quick, only an hour. But they gave us the materials and taught us to play several games that are fun for the kids but that really work on their math skills.

I really like Sum War. Like traditional war except that you flip two cards per player and the one who's total value was the highest wins all 4 cards. (Played with just the # cards for ease of littler kids.)

But nothing beat the game which involved two players holding a card on their forehead, a third telling them the sum of their cards and the one who guessed the others card first won both cards and, like war, the goal is to win the most (or all) the cards.

I took a ton of photos but will only share those of my family....



  1. Looks like a lot of fun! Adding the cards is a really great way to practice fact families! :)

  2. That looks so fun! Were you playing "Auction"?!! ;)


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