Jan 14, 2011

Delurking Day, Join In

Hello!! I know you're out there.  My stats tell me that you ARE in fact reading at least some of what I'm putting out there.  But since I'm getting hundreds of hits a day but only one or two comments (on NONgiveaway posts) that means a whole lot of you are just lurking out there.  You know who you are....so why don't you just take part in delurking day and leave a comment today.  You can even leave it anonymously if you want to remain all mysterious still.  Leave a comment just saying hi or that you LOVE my blog (you COULD say you hate it, but that MIGHT make me cry) or you could answer this question, in honor of my my recent injury share one of your injury stories. 


  1. I posted the other day on a non giveaway page, but I'm going to post again. Sorry some of us are too lazy to post, but we love your blog and I think you are doing a great job! Hugs!

  2. Comments are always more fun than no comments! So HI!

  3. What a fun page you have! Glad to have found you through the Delurker post on BlogHer. It's been fun, eh?

  4. i, too, found you thru the DeLurker post...I googled it, after seeing it on someone's blog, ... so here i am, delurking! .whew. feels good to not be "stalking" anymore.... but, then, can you call it stalking, if i've only looked at this one post?


Thanks for leaving me a comment!!