Aug 5, 2011

Cub Scouts and Sports

 So the title pretty much says it all, Cubs Scouts and Sports, that IS my life.  Sometimes, those two worlds combine.  Like a couple Saturdays ago when our Cub Scoutpack header to a local minor league baseball game.  The team was great and let the boys join them in on the field when they announced the starting line up and then graciously signed autographs for the boys even after they lost the first game of a double header.

The ballpark this team (Kenosha Kings) play at it a historical field (Simmons Field) as it hosted one of the women's baseball teams during the war (you know, like they featured in 'A League Of Their Own').  It also holds family history as my father played for the Pirates farm team here many years ago. I think this must be where Timmy gets his natural baseball talent from.

This game was especially fun because the boys go to hang out with friends while enjoying the game.  Even Bryan had a great time playing with one of his friends (the little brother of one of the boys in Timmy's den).

sharing peanuts with friends

Cracker Jacks!

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