Mar 19, 2012

Loving the weather

Photo credit: phaewilk from

I can't believe its the middle of March and we spent the weekend outside, in shorts and t-shirts.  It was amazing.  I did still run to the gym (2 hours on both Saturday and Sunday) because I really enjoy the strength part of my workouts. But then I played basketball with Timmy and then took a long walk while he rode his bike both days too.  The boys were so ready to be outside, but yesterday were already complaining they were too hot! Ah, we're just never happy!   
For me as much as I LOVE being outside enjoying the sun and the fresh air, this fabulous weather also hopefully means the end of seasonal depression for many people I care about.  Living in the Midwest, I think everyone goes through some winter blues, especially in those harsh winters but seasonal depression, also known as seasonal affective disorder, can really hit some people hard. And much like any mental health issue, it usually affects the entire family. So this year I'm grateful for this early onset of spring and I only hope it isn't just a tease.

How was the weather where you are this weekend?  Where you able to get out and enjoy it?


  1. It has been gorgeous here too. I love 75 degree weather. It's absolute happiness.

  2. I have LOVED the weather. We've been walking home from school every day and right now I'm sitting on the porch with my laptop.
    I have a friend with SAD and it's hard when she just disappears in the winter.


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