Sep 15, 2008


just a few random things to share.

1. thought I'd share a more recent photo of our devil dog...not looking like a large wet rat...

2. a photo of a dragonfly. personally not a big fan of them but know someone who is and was impressed with how well the cruddy camera did with this photo...

3. lastly, I quick moment to point out that this month is Childhood Cancer Awareness month. As if cancer wasn't a bad enough thing for an adult to deal with, its heartbreaking and gut wrenching to watch a child go through it. While many of us will never know the true heartache that watching your own child go through bring, it does happen and I am sure that no one expects it to be their child. Here is the website for a little boy I have been praying for, his family is a friend of a friend of ours. But his story is not unlike too many others. Here is the site for a foundation started for an amazing little boy I had the pleasure of meeting before he got his wings. Tom and I will be helping at their fundraiser in February if anyone is interested in attending!



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