Oct 21, 2008

Another busy weekend

Friday night we went to a concert at church. Our worship director has put together a CD and this was his release party. I need to find out if there's anywhere online that you can listen to part of the CDs and post it. I took the camera but got one so-so picture before the baby freaked out at the loud music and want to be held.

Saturday we had a birthday party to go to. It was Halloween themed party so the boys got to wear their costumes. I'd thought about coming up with different costumes sot hey wouldn't ruin their trick-or-treat costumes but in the end they went as Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader and Yoda. I took a ton of photos so I'll post those later. But it was a perfect fall day and the party was outside. We all had a good time.

Sunday we went to church as usual, but it wasn't exactly the usual. The week before we were shown a very emotional video clip that featured many people on a stage with a simple card board sign (think homeless "will work for food" type sign) that on one side had an "I was..." statement and on the other was a "Now I am..." While we watched this we were asked to consider who we knew that needed transformation or help out of their "pit." We were then encouraged to say a prayer for them and to maybe even call and invite them to church the following week. Someone very near and dear to me came to my mind during that video. Not in the "Lord she needs help." judgemental way but just that the last time I'd talked to her I could feel her pain. She was struggling in so many areas and it hurt me to see her not being happy. She used to be soooo happy. So each day I prayed. And while I'd vowed to be sure to call her and check in, the business of the week began to sweep me along. But then I happened to call her sister for something totally unrelated. Before the call ended her sister told me to hold on, that she wanted to talk to me. We didn't talk long but she asked me if I could do some photos of her adorable baby girl that coming weekend as she was growing so quickly. I said of course and we chatted just enough to know that while some burdens had been lifted from her since we'd talked last, some new ones had been heaped on. So I began praying even more. On Saturday she tried to call while we were at the birthday party and again just as we were pulling back into our driveway that evening. I figured she was calling to see what time we were getting together to do photos the following day. But she was calling to find out what time service was at church. I told her and told her we'd wait for her etc. While I knew there was still a chance she may not make it, I was THRILLED that she was even considering going. God was working! Then Sunday morning just as we were starting to load up the car with our herd, we heard a soft little knock on the door. She and her sweet baby girl, ready to follow us to church!! So away we all went. The title of the sermon was "when God's people pray..." but the scripture didn't seem to be much about that. Our Pastor was basically preaching the plan of Salvation and then he did something almost unheard of at our church, an alter call. He stood there for a rather long time, alone speaking about how this was the most important message he had to give anyone. To commit your life to the Lord. He said he KNEW there were people in the church who had been prayed for by name that they would be there to hear this message. As I stood there I prayed that God would speak to her heart. And the Pastor began to speak about those who were once connected to God but who'd lost that and needed to reconnect. And then I felt it, a hand on my arm, she handed me her daughter to hold while she went to the front of the church. I began to cry. While I've seen answered prayers before and have no doubt prayer changes things, I have to say I've never seen it so quickly an obviously as this week. It was one of the single most powerful things I've ever experienced. Well aside from the birth of my own little blessings.
I don't know where things will go from here for her but I'll be praying for her. Love you my friend!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. AMAZING story!!! God is so awesome and powerful :) *megan*


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