Apr 5, 2009

Long time comin'

Yesterday Bryan and I snuck away for a few hours to do something I'm been meaning to do for over five years now. As most of you who read my blog know, I have been known to frequent online message boards...ya know once in awhile. Well, almost 6 years ago I joined a AOL board for women who were pregnant and expecting in January 2004. From that board mny friendships were made. One of those was a woman, Dawn, expecting her 5th child (I was expecting #2, he actually arrived early and in Dec 03) lived just about an hour away. We said we'd get together sometime AFTER our babies were born. But, as it will, life gets away from us. We had planned to meet one time, as she was selling Tupperware and she was going to come to my house to do a party. But as luck would have it, Mother Nature chose that date to bring us the biggest storm of that year I believe. Since then things have changed a lot for her. She had another baby, and so did I, despite the fact that we both SWORE we were done. But she also wrote 2 hysterical eBay auctions. The first brought her some decent attention but the second auction brought agents, book deals and almost 100,000 hits to her blog. She continues to have tons of blog readers and this weekend had her book release/book signing. Upon hearing the location of the signing (somewhere I could drive by myself without much fear) I decided I HAD to get there.

Despite some last minute changes, Bryan and I made the trip and were just a couple minutes late to the book store. She spoke a little, read a little and answered a few questions. Then she signed books, every book the book store had, in fact. They sold out!! How cool is that.

I of course grabbed a copy and have read a couple chapters already. I love her writing style, its light and fun. If you're looking for a fun book for mom's this would be it...a great Mother's Day gift idea!! :)

Ok I have to, went to look up the link and her book is currently bundled with two other books on Amazon, one from the Duggars and one from Jon and Kate+8. Not sure how she'd feel about this but I think that's pretty cool as I love both their shows!

Dawn & I (and yeah that's Bryan complaining in the back)



  1. What a fun getaway and congrats to your friend!

  2. How exciting and wonderful! I am anxious to read her book, as I to flow her blog. I'm so happy you were able to finally meet. :) Good memories!

  3. For some reason I can't see the pic but glad you were able to finally meet!

  4. Whoo-hoo! How cool that you knew her "way back when" and that her books sold out... that's awesome!

    And it sucks, but it won't let me see the last picture... "not logged into AOL"???


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