Sep 2, 2009

The disappointment begins...

I knew it was only a matter of time, but tonight Timmy realized that tomorrow will be the first time that both he and Johnny will be wanting us at different place at the same time.
Tomorrow night is the Open House at their school and at dinner he asked if it was for both First Grade and Kindergarten. When I told him it was I could see the immediate panic. Then the attempt to solve the problem. He suggested we go to one classroom then another. But I know his class sang some songs last year and he thinks his class is doing something this year so I don't think that will work. I told him we will probably split up and I will go with one of them and dad will go with the other. He did NOT like that answer!! :(
I know this is such a small thing and is just the first of what is bound to be MANY conflicts like this in our future. But that still doesn't make THEM feel any better.



  1. I so know that feeling. Mine are 6 and 7. Tim is in 2nd grade so I know for sure that I need to go to that one but Stacey is in 1st grade and I have already been there and done that one. Hopefully my husband can get off work to go with me otherwise I will running from one side of school to the other.

  2. The first of many is right lol. This year I have kids in THREE different schools, good times! Toby works late so it was all me for all three back to school nights. The worst was Kali, Paige & Jake's because even if Toby were able to make it, one kid would have been left waiting. One day I will be able to successfully clone myself and all will be good ;).

  3. aw im sorry to hear about this. im sure it'll become easier in time but its still never TOO easy to deal with these things :( *hugs*



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