Jan 15, 2010

Houston, we have...success.

Not that it was without a fight, but Bryan is currently sleeping in the same room with his big brothers. I will knock on wood, because I KNOW one night does not a new habit really make. Plus, its only midnight, there's still plenty of night left. So I better not get too cocky.
And then, there's always morning. Which will be interesting. Bryan has been pretty good about sleeping in but I am pretty sure he'll be up the second he hears his maniac brothers get up.
Not that I can sleep in that much tomorrow anyway because Timmy has a basketball game but we'll see.
I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for at least 8!! (But I guess I'll take 7 if I have to.)

1 comment:

  1. Always nice to have them sleeping in their own beds. I'll be hoping for a habit for him.


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