Nov 14, 2010

30 Days of Truth: Day 14

Day 14: A hero that has let you down. (letter)
I honestly can't think of a hero that has let me down.  I don't really remember having many heroes, except my mom.  And while she was human, and there for not perfect, my lasting memory is as far from letting me down as it could be.  She was a true hero up until her very last breath.  She stayed strong beyond comprehension because of her concern for everyone else.  She didn't want to show others her real pain because she didn't want to cause us pain or worry.  While there were times I wanted nothing more than to convince her that it was OK to not be so strong, I understood it and I respect it.  I came from a long line of strong women and don't feel any of them have ever truly let me down.

**In case you missed my post here, I am taking part in a challenge called 30 Days of Truth. Each day in November I will write about a given topic of truth as it relates to me.


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